stack 发表于 2015-10-10 22:04:00

关于宾大占坑费和Decision Form!


收到了Upenn, EE, MSE的ad,有关300$的占坑费和Decision Form实在不明白,希望过来人和录取的小伙伴告知一下。

请问300$和Decision Form都是2月16日前要交吗?

还有信里说you will be unable to confirm your accecptance until after the final master's application deadline, 03/15.   这是什么意思? 03/15不是最终决定时间吧(这也太早了,怕dream school没来)

另外,我在FAQ里看For master's applicants, if you were admitted following the November 15 application deadline, you must submit your enrollment form by February 16. Otherwise you will not be able to enroll until after the March 15 application cycle. If you were admitted following the March 15 application deadline, or admitted following the November 15 deadline, but did not accept before February 16, the deadline is June 1.



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