driftergugu 发表于 2015-10-11 22:24:56



拿到ad的各位打不打算交钱啊?在CIS的FAQ写:For master's applicants, if you were admitted following the November 15 application deadline, you must submit your enrollment form by February 16. Otherwise you will not be able to enroll until after the March 15 application cycle. If you were admitted following the March 15 application deadline, or admitted following the November 15 deadline, but did not accept before February 16, the deadline is June 1.. From 1point 3acres bbs
之前问了小米不交钱有什么影响,会不会没有位置之类的,他回复:If you do not make a decision by 2/16 you will have the option after 3/15/15.
感觉他的意思是不交钱的话就等到3/15以后再accept,但decision letter里又恐吓不能保证有位置==,你们觉得呢?

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