davidlion 发表于 2015-10-12 20:05:26


今天男朋友收到GWU的邮件 说上周放春假了 这周再开始继续审材料。。。。具体内容如下:
Decisions are made by reviewers in the department..as we received many more applications that we have had in the past it is taking somewhat longer for some decisions that it took for some others. Plus this past week was spring break for GWU students and faculty.
As soon as I receive files back, I update the systems and a letter will be generated. Thank you for your patience during this process.

哎 贴上来和大家分享一下 咱也别傻等着了 好歹知道还有幸存的可能 咱人品啊~~~~~
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查看完整版本: 原来人家放春假了!!!!