sylviahoho 发表于 2015-10-12 22:06:51



因为之前选校失败,看着形式不对,就补申了几所学校,申了GWU的博士,之前教授表现出了对我的兴趣,也面试过了,在我的材料显示department review之后的一周之后,教授给我发了封信如下:
Based on your good credentials and interest in research, it is my intent to recommend you for admission to our PhD program. However, be aware that the ECE Phd admission committee has to formally approve of it and the admission always comes from the ECE department chair office. So, stay tuned for more info. Let me know if you hear anything on your end.

这可能是我去美国最后的希望,不知道这个意思是不是会收到offer? 请大家帮忙分析一下,教授的意思是啥?是说会要我了还是什么?很认真的!

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查看完整版本: 之前补申了他家的博士,这周套的教授给我了发封信,大家帮我分析一下!