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Penn checklist上给所有applicant的话









发表于 2015-10-10 21:26:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我不生产信息,我只是Applweb的搬运工。。。话说我的状态一直是Material needed,托福没送到,怎么联系都不理我,要哭了,再送就要estimated shipping date Jan 16th
打算今晚打电话再问了 祝大家好运

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL APPLICANTSThank you for applying to the University of Pennsylvania!
It can take a week or more after submission for your application to reach "Ready for Review" status.  Admissions offices may need to match test scores and original documents with the application.  Please wait at least a week after submitting your online application before contacting CollegeNet or the admissions office about the status of your supplemental materials.  See below for further details.. more info on 1point3acres.com

Test scores:
Please wait at least three (3) business days after submitting your application to see receipt of your GRE or TOEFL test scores acknowledged. This is not an instantaneous process. Test scores are received from the testing agency twice weekly.  Other issues that might prevent acknowledgement of your test scores:

- if the name associated with your GRE and/or TOEFL test score data does not exactly match the data provided on your application, your test scores will have to be manually matched to your application, and will take longer to be acknowledged on this checklist.
- IELTS test scores must be manually acknowledged; please wait at least one week after submitting your application before inquiring about receipt of your IELTS test scores.

If your official transcripts were mailed to Penn, it can take time for them to be delivered from the receiving office, scanned and uploaded.  Please wait at least one week after submitting your application before inquiring about receipt of your official transcripts.

If you need to contact the admissions office for your program regarding receipt of materials or any other aspect of your application, please use the appropriate address below:

Biomedical Graduate Studies:  bgs@mail.med.upenn.edu
Graduate School of Education: admissions@gse.upenn.edu
School of Arts & Sciences, Graduate Division: gdasadmis@sas.upenn.edu
School of Arts & Sciences, Professional and Liberal Education: lps@sas.upenn.edu
School of Design: admissions@design.upenn.edu
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: gradstudies@seas.upenn.edu
School of Nursing: admissions@nursing.upenn.edu
School of Social Policy and Practice: apply@sp2.upenn.edu

Please note that applyweb/CollegeNet is not able to address questions regarding receipt of supplemental transcripts or test scores; sending these requests to help@applyweb.com will only delay responses to these types of questions.

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