1. DEADLINE. I can figure the application deadline out in your webpage, but I’m not sure about the deadline for me to send materials. To be concise, Should my materials arrive at your school before application deadline? - The priority deadline for applications for Fall 2015 is February 15, 2015; however, we do have rolling admissions so will accept applications after this date.
2. Is Financial Certification needed during my application or before application? - Financial certification is only needed if you are accepted into the program.
3. Actually, I want to apply both M.S program and PHD program in your department, will there be any question or something noticeable? 4. If later I need these forms, Would you please send me the Application Forms, Financial Support Forms, the detailed introductions of faculty and research, and other relevant materials needed for application? - All application forms and information on the program can be found on the Computer Science Department's website - http://www.cs.columbia.edu/.
5. Is certificated GPA of WES(world education service) necessary for my application? - GPAs must be on a 4.0 scale; therefore, conversion is necessary if your GPA is not on this scale.