本帖最后由 liudaisuda 于 2015-10-8 19:21 编辑
[15Fall] 混合.CS@Cornell University
10月2日提交了Cornell的MEng in CS的申请,推荐人在10月6日都填完推荐信了。GRE也寄到了。托福在等着慢慢寄。
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Master of Engineering Program in Computer Science. We have received your application and have found that we are still missing your official TOEFL scores. Please have your official scores sent to Cornell University (code 2098) Department of Computer Science (code 0402). We will review your application without these scores, however, we will be unable to make a final admission decision until they have been received
补充内容 (2014-10-15 12:58):